Gary Community Club
Annual events
Everyone is welcome! Join the club!
Gary Days third full weekend in June
Halloween-Fest in October
Santa Day and Christmas Tree Light Awards in December
The club meets at Who's? Place (Legion) during the planning season.
Contact Lori Thronson 218.766.6618 for more details or to get involved.
Gary City Park
In addition to the events, the GCC keeps the Gary City Park fun for children and adults of all ages. The park boasts a covered picnic shelter, two sand volleyball courts, a horse shoe pit, a snack shack, equipment locker, swings, a sand box and more. There are plans underway to update the buildings and put a shade over the sand pit along with benches.
Other projects
The GCC is involved with a variety of fundraisers including finances for local school projects, the Gary Wellness Center etc. For donations which involve a tax deductible status, the club partners with Gary Cares, a local area foundation holding a 501(c)(3) status. See www.GaryCares.org for more information if you would like to donate to one of these projects.