Hustlin’ Hailey choked Ace High with her pearls
Murder mystery dinner in Gary celebrates community spirit

Pictured front, from left, Byron Thronson, Karie Kirschbaum and Marijo Vik. Middle: Twylla Altepeter, Lynn Thordal, Lori Thronson, Peggie Chisholm, Lindsay Whitson, Christina Knutson, AJ Knutson and Kristi Engen. Back: Diane Littlefield, Bryan Thronson, Alden Andersen, Mark Juarez, Jeff Kirschbaum, Al Chisholm, Amanda Fortier, Blaine Thronson and Buck Engen. Not pictured: Tawnie Juarez

Ronald Trump, better know as Jeff Kirschbaum, was suspicious as his wife Iguana (Karie Kirschbaum) chatted with gambler Ace High (Buck Engen) and Hustling Hailey (Kristi Engen). The gambler was the victim when the Trumps hosted a who dunnit dinner theatre Saturday night at Who’s Place in Gary. When all the clues were tallied, it turned out that Hustling Hailey choked him with her pearls to keep from sharing her fortune with gambler, who had lost $50 million on an unlucky sports bet.

Lori & Byron Thronson

Bryan Thronson solved the mystery!

Alden Anderson entertained the 150 guest for the evening.

Blaine Thronson gave out the clues.... was he guilty? No!

Lucy Legs (Diane Littlefield) and Elvis (Lynn Thordal) had secrets to share in Gary at Who's? Casino. Elvis won best costume of the night

Amanda Fortier, Molly Martini, tied for gathering the most "Trump Money" on the night.

LaVonne Sannes & Hoppy Natwick came in costume to enjoy the night.