Health • Wellness • Sr. Services
If you are new in town, welcome to Gary! This page should help you get headed in the right direction.
If you have any questions, call the city office at 218-356-8600 or Mayor Karie Kirschbaum at 218-350-1673
To keep up with current events go to

Gary Volunteer Fire Department • Gary Rescue Squad
Fire Chief Buck Engen
Good home cooking, hot coffee
and great conversation!
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Gary Cafe/Community Ctr.
Call Linda Engen 218.356.8600

& Wellness Center
Call 218-356-8600 for more information or link here
Medical • Dental • Other services
Norman County Bus Schedule • T.H.E. Bus
To speak with a representative by phone or for information and reservations call 888-784-2660.
* See the Twin Valley Times for scheduled bus services
Head Start • Low Income Services • MNSure Insurance • MURL • Senior Services and more!
Tri-Valley Opportunity Council, Inc.
102 N. Broadway, Box 607
Crookston, MN
Senior LinkAge Line (SLL) link
The SLL strives to develop community partnerships and serve older adults.
Four Service Areas of the SLL
Phone Specialists
Pre-Admission Screening Specialists
Community Living Specialists
Senior Outreach Specialists
The SLL helps simplify the complex issues and decisions you face every day as a senior, Baby Boomers, Medicare beneficiaries, caregivers or someone trying to reduce prescription drug costs.​
The SLL not only helps connect you to services in your community, but also provides the actual assistance to help you get the information and personalized help you need to make good decisions. This includes providing face-to-face help to you in your home and community.​
The SLL is a free information and assistance service — offered by the State of Minnesota — which makes it easy for older adults and their families to find community services or plan for their future.
Just one phone call away (800) 333-2433!

TWIN VALLEY DRUG (218) 584-5147 , 120 Main Ave W, Twin Valley, MN 56584
HANSON CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC (218) 945-3220 306 N Mill St, Fertile, MN 56540
Norman - Mahnomen Public Health Information -
Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Website
BRIDGES MEDICAL SERVICES 201 9th St W #1, Ada, MN 56510 (218) 784-5000
MERIT CARE CTR 501 2nd Street Northwest, Twin Valley, MN 56584 (218) 584-5142
MAHNOMEN HEALTH CENTER Phone (218) 935-2511 Fax (218) 935-2370
414 West Jefferson Ave., P.O. Box 396, Mahnomen, MN 56557
in Mahnomen, Ada, Twin Valley and Fertile Twin Valley (218) 584-5193
Fertile (218) 945-6111 After Hours (218) 784-7119

AA and Al-ANON
Tuesdays at 8 p.m. • Lincoln Terrace basement
(Use the North door) • 205 3rd St., Twin Valley 218-584-8306
Norman County Resource Group
Norman County Resource Group was formed to bring together various resources available to residents of Norman County, MN. The group involves several entities to ensure resources of all types are included in a convenient digital tool.
Our mission is to effectively and efficiently deliver essential services to families and individuals so they can achieve their potential through active community participation and to protect, promote and improve the health and quality of life in Norman County, MN.