Annual 2024 Shock & Awe Grant Idea Drive is accepting your grant wishes to include in our annual budget request to the Dekko Foundation!
Three easy ways to apply:
Email this form back to ShockandAweMN@gmail.com or any member of Shock & Awe
Mail to Shock & Awe P.O. Box 66 Gary MN 56545
3. In person just fill out the above form or find the form on our website at www.Shock-Awe.org
Students Helping Others Create Kinship. Ada/Borup. Norman Co. West. Norman Co. East
To address the changing needs of our community in an innovative and ever-transforming society
This form will serve as your grant request. Return completed form in one of the following methods to:
• A Shock & Awe member • Email ShockandAweMN@gmail.com • P.O. Box 66, Gary, MN 56545
Questions? Specific questions please email Brooke Hunstad at brookeh@nce.k12.mn.us , Allie Lien at alliel@ada.k12.mn.us or call Bjorn Solberg 701-793-6830, and Anne Nalewaja 218-556-9487
GRANT IDEA DRIVE PROCESS: This Shock & Awe Grant Idea Drive is your organization’s opportunity to put in a wish list for funding for your community projects. If it passes the first round of the student’s grant review it will be included in the S&A annual grant funding request to the Dekko Foundation (www.DekkoFoundation.org). Grants of over $2500 please apply to the Dekko Foundation directly.
The final grant review will take place in September after school starts again and the Dekko Foundation notifies S&A of their annual grant budget amount for the 2024-2025 funding cycle. Approved grants will receive their check in September from Gary Cares.
(Applications above)