Donations • Grants • In-Kind labor or equipment
-- Get Out & Play --
Where does the money come from? The answer will sound familiar if you are from Gary. It starts with people, clubs, alumni and residents working together. The resources come by way of donations, grants and the proverbial in-kind/volunteer force who rarely wants credit, as it was with the other GOP or community projects. See our In Kind link for more information.
If you, your family or your organization would like to support the project, or a specific item in the project,
tax deductible donations can be sent to Gary Cares, c/o Audrey Felske, 301 Strand St., Gary, MN, 56545
To donate online, Click the donate button on the bottom of the page.
Many local and state organizations have donated grants to this project. A list of donors can be seen on the donor page. We are continually working to secure other grants to complete this project for the enjoyment of many.
In-Kind labor or equipment
What is an "in-kind" donation? Many granting bodies will count documented in-kind labor or equipment use as actual cash match. This is where we come in.
It is something the community of Gary is very familiar with - sweat equity.
Gifts in kind, also referred to as in-kind donations, is a kind of charitable giving in which, instead of giving money to buy needed goods and services, the goods and services themselves are given. Gifts in kind are distinguished from gifts of cash.
In the case of the Pines it could mean planting trees, pruning trees, spraying weeds, building the natural play space, using your chain saw to cut down dead trees, clearing trails with your skid loader, fork life, bull dozer or bringing cookies for workers etc.
As we in rural Minnesota well know, the only way to limit in-kind is by losing your imagination.
“Get Out & Play” in the Gary Pines

"Alumni leaving a legacy to their childhood memories"

"Developing a plan to be enjoyed by your children's children"

A Lions Memorial Forest with a tree and plaque bearing your family or loved one's name