National Park Service (Randall Thoreson) takes a ride through the Pines
July 27, 2017
On July 25, Randy Thoreson, Outdoor Recreation Planner, National Park Service Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program (RTCA) and Hydro, made his second trip from the cities to meet with the Gary Pines team regarding the Gary Pines Project. His first trip took place in June. During this visit, Thoreson took advantage of the opportunity to tour the trails in the Pines by horseback with Mayor Karie Kirschbaum and Bayer Crop Science agronomist Anne Nalewaja.
$8,000 Art Grant awarded to Gary Pines Project, Twin Valley Times
August 30, 2017
A very welcome email was received by Mayor Karie Kirschbaum of Gary last week. It said, “Congratulations! Your oganization has received a grant from the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council.” The grant award is for $8,000, with a 10 percent match from the city, to have an arts installation put in the Gary Pines.
The art project will involve chainsaw carved animal statues created by Scott Petry of Andy Lake Woodworks in Glyndon. The statues will be installed permanently throughout the forest and will become a treasure hunt.

Andy Lakes chainsaw art displayed in Times, Scott Petry, Twin Valley Times
August 09, 2017
When asked about his journey to become an artist, Scott Petry wrote, “As a child, I always wanted to be an artist. But, there was just never really a calling or a good medium that I could make a career out of. Throughout school and college, I always took as many art classes as possible. I enjoyed every style of art but still never found anything that seemed to ever be more than a possible lifetime hobby.
Gary Lions Memorial Forest, Twin Valley Times
May 10, 2017
The Gary Lions Memorial Forest is a project of the local club. It is a continuation of years of work at the Pines. The club started the memorial forest at the Gary Pines. It is created in memory of past Lion members and members of the local community. Anyone wishing to plant a tree or flowering shrub in memory of someone is asked to choose the tree or shrub.
Petry family pitches in at the Pines, Twin Valley Times
May 10, 2017
The big news is the much anticipated Ninja Course, brainstorm of our area youth introduced during city-wide meetings last fall, is half complete as of last week. Community member Brian Chisholm and Mayor Karie Kirschbaum met Friday with Bryan Johnson and his sister, Bonnie Petry, on site to discuss the Ninja Course project and assess the site. It was done in time for the annual Gary Days Celebration held the third full weekend every June.
Fun in the Mud - Mudslingers join the team, Twin Valley Times
February 08, 2017
...We walked in to a shop full of people ready to enjoy good friends, good food and a lot of jokes. The purpose of the meeting was to plan projects for the soon-to-be-here no-snow season. The club has plenty in store for OHV enthusiasts this year, including continuing to work with the city of Gary on the Gary Pines project.
City of Gary, Year in Review, Twin Valley Times
December 07, 2016
Gary Pines is our current Get Out & Play project. Just short of six miles of trails were completed in October in the Pines – A logger came to remove out the treess which fell during the tornado in August. Also inside, the Mudslingers added more trails, the U of M presented their master plan and more...
Get Out & Play in the Gary Pines and other GO&P projects, Twin Valley times
August 03, 2016
The City of Gary and an small army of volunteers started work on the first phase of the Gary Pines project on a Saturday in August 2016. The project will be a combination of fire safety and the continuation of the Get Out & Play initiative for the city.

Preserving our heritage of nature and recreation in the Gary Pines recreational area

Dream the dream in rural Minnesota by creating a sustainable forest to experience

Partnering with like-minded groups, citizens and granting bodies to reach common goals